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Our Professional AIDX Consultation Services

Japan Local Developer Relations image

Japan Local Developer Relations


メタバース・エンタテイメントシステム・画像生成AIに関する博士号を有するインフルエンサーが日本市場向けローカライゼーション+アドボカシーを実施します。 日本のAI、メタバース、インフルエンサー・メディア向けに、プロフェッショナルな翻訳を提供し、サンプルコンテンツ、ブログメディア、イベント等を駆使して総合的なマーケット開発をサポートします。 Stability AI との戦略提携例

AICU magazine image

AICU magazine


「つくる人をつくる」あなたをアップデートするクリエイティブAIエンタメ総合情報誌です。生成 AI に興味があり、AI クリエイターとして活躍したいハイセンスな中高生、美大・芸大・専門学校生や大学生、クリエイティブAIに興味がある社会人やシニア層に向けて、AI の楽しさや AI でできること、使い方、イベント情報を伝えるニューメディアです。バックナンバーはこちら

AIDX Workshop

All prices are valid until the end of April 2024.



Best one shot for your VIP
  • Business executives, CFO and BizDev teams interested in AI development.
  • Utilization of LLM

  • Image generation

  • Online workshop
  • max 3 hours for participants

  • Graduate school level



Professional in Game and SNS industries.
  • All included in the Starter

  • R&D supports for Engineer and new product manager
  • Practical project which starts AI driven in-corp service and tools.
  • 2 workshop in a month
  • Certification



Professional in Game, Anime, Manga and retail industries.
  • All included in the Professional
  • Long term sustainable education opportunity

  • Workshops for engineers and researchers as well as legal and biz devs

  • Advocacy communication support

Plans can include

Some elements are options but possible

  • Target Audience

    Business executives and development teams interested in AI development, professional in Game, Anime, Manga and SNS industries.

  • Fruitful Contents

    Hands-on materials of Utilization of LLM, image generation.

  • Format

    Online sessions and In-person (Option: Japan/USA).

  • No one has ever seen before

    We support the development of AIDX products that no one has ever seen before.

  • We support patent applications

    For an additional fee, we can assist you in IPing inventions developed within your project.

  • Supporting Academic R&D

    We can help you open source, publish papers, and make your company more attractive through AIDX.

Asking is better than nothing, 30 min for free

Meetings can be held in real time. Put a 30-minute online meeting on your calendar right now, the moment you think of it. Rates above are dynamic and subject to demand. We are committed to maintaining scale and quality, and prioritizing our valued clients. However, if you sign up now, we may be able to offer you this price or even a more reasonable price.

Frequently asked questions

ChatGPTs [Kotone in AICU] can reply

I have no engineering experience. I hope the workshop will not be a waste of time.

Don't worry, we can set up a level for you in a 30-minute interview.

I would like to know the syllabus and other details.

We have a diverse selection of syllabi, including Metaverse and AIDX. Please contact us for a 30-minute meeting or contact us and let us know your goal setting.